All About Raliakez

All about ME – well, us, but y’know, I do the typing…

the raliakez production cast:

D a n i e l

T’is I, the person who has to take responsibility for all of our abysmal decisions, and has to do tech support.

Enjoy my extremely vague sense of humor and lack of attention span.

u m b r a

Umbra – cameraman, mild annoyance, and general mascot. He doesn’t particularily care about the quality of the product in any way, he just likes making my life harder.

v i a r t é

Viarté  – also a cameraman, but really more like camera boulder. Good to have around to move stuff and remind me I’m short. 

My name’s Daniel, and I’m a graphic novelist-illustrator-concept artist from Canada!

My origin story for why I’m here? I was once told I’d only make a good landscape artist, so I managed to spite myself into this position here. Who says spite never pays off?

Joking aside, I’ve been able to find what I really want to pursue in my life. And what I want is to try to share with all of you the stories that have gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life – stories that have shaped me, and those around me, in core ways.

It’s my hope that I can do these stories justice and that they – and the casts within them – will reach some of you like they did me. That they can bring you hope and a greater understanding of our world, and a reason to keep fighting in the face of daunting odds.

Wanna contact us or find us online?

Twitter – for my work, but also for schedules and announcements and overall tomfoolery.

Instagram – for easier access to strictly my work, plus some commentary on each piece. 

Patreon will be upcoming! For sneakpeaks, special drafts and pdfs. 😀